Educational Adequacy - Cooperative Strategies, LLC

Educational Adequacy


Are Your Facilities Helping or Hindering Your Ability to Educate?

Our educational adequacy assessments evaluate how well a facility is equipped to deliver the curriculum. These assessments are imperative to determine how well a school will support the curriculum before and after renovation. We’ll customize a foundational plan based on your district’s vision and requirements.

We Know Trends

With over 25 years of experience analyzing educational adequacy data, we’ve seen enough to identify the difference between a fad and a trend. Our depth of experience around the country with small districts and states allows us to pass along that knowledge to you about what’s been tried, what’s failed, and what’s emerging.

We’ll begin our educational adequacy assessment using a baseline of what we know works and what’s been consistent, then personalize it for your district.
classroom graphic

Type, Size, Requirements, and Arrangement

We help identify the type of spaces you have, how big or small they need to be, how to include your district’s unique classroom and technical requirements — and we’ll provide options for how to arrange them to better support your educational programs.

Data that Speaks to All Stakeholders

After completing your educational adequacy assessment, our team provides transparent, easy to access, and understand data that speaks to all levels of stakeholders.

Including voting community members, the involved parent who may not understand construction trades, teachers and administrators who fully grasp their school’s priorities, and legislators and public officials. We package your facility data in ways all of these constituents can understand.

Data that Actually Matters to Schools

We know that districts have grown accustomed to receiving facility assessments in a format that most people cannot readily understand, let alone use to identify facility priorities and make concrete plans.

Our assessment results are uploaded to our My Facility Informer (MFI) App that displays each building’s condition data in easy-to-understand visuals so that planners and the general public can understand each facility’s condition needs.

Introducing My Facility Informer

A modern way to approach assessing school facilities.

Keys to Our Educational Adequacy Assessment


Educational Adequacy Index (EAI)

The Educational Adequacy Index [EAI] is used as a comparative indicator to identify the relative programmatic needs of a facility, group of buildings, or an entire portfolio. An educational adequacy assessment evaluates how well a campus is equipped to deliver the current instructional curriculum.

We Keep the End Goal in Mind

From the beginning of our assessment through presenting end results, we keep one person in mind—the end-user. We deliver district-level summaries and a high-level view of the district’s most pressing priorities. Also, we provide facility-level views showing each facility’s overall Facility Condition Index (FCI). This gives your stakeholders an easy way to see which schools are most in need across the district.


What’s Next?

It is important to note that an educational adequacy assessment in and of itself is not a scope of work. It is a tool to assist the district in determining the overall magnitude of renovation and repairs, providing indexes to prioritize needs.

It will ultimately be determined by the School District whether an addition, major renovation, or replacement is necessary at a school building for a number of reasons.


Facility Master Plan

If you need a capacity assessment as part of a greater master plan or capital plan you may also be interested in some of our other services

  • Enrollment and Demographics Studies
  • Facility Condition Assessments
  • Educational Adequacy Assessments
  • Capacity Assessments
  • Community Engagement
  • Funding Services
  • Project Management
  • Owner’s Representation

Navigating Your Education and Facilities Planning Journey is No Easy Task.

Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone!

From initial assessment and planning, to project funding, to full program management – we’ll help you create a unified strategy to stay on track, and we’ll be with you every step along the way.


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